
Hello everyone!

I started this blog during the end of May 2012 in hopes of igniting the adventure sparks that I have within me, and hopefully you too! I'm 21 years old, an amateur baker, artist, photographer, adventurer, and everything in between. I absolutely love trying new things and recreating the old.

More importantly, my main passion is baking. Ever since I was young, I knew I wanted to become an amazing pastry chef, I knew that one day, I would be wearing a chef coat proudly. I've been baking treats for as long as I can remember...I don't even know how far back that was! The earliest time I can recall is when I was in 6th grade, I made my birthday cake for the first time. It was a chocolate and vanilla cake with vanilla frosting adorned with Hello Kitty toys. I guess I only remember this because I have a picture! And the fact that I was in a huge embarrassing white arm cast at that time! I really do have such a bad memory!

I still dream of those days, but for now, I've decided to pursue the wonderful field of nursing.

Nursing?! What?! That has NOTHING to do with baking!

I know. Tell me about it. Nursing is something that I've been debating over for some time. When I entered college, I had absolutely no idea where I wanted to go with my life. I knew I would eventually want to become a baker, but I felt like the path that would lead me there would be different. I wanted to do other things, maximize my potential.

This is what I saw in nursing. Learning about the human body is definitely something different, and nursing is definitely NOT just giving shots, meds, and taking vitals. I loved it, and I loved the fact that I would be helping other people, not only with their medical needs, but also changing their life. I hear stories of compassion frequently and how even the small things can make a difference. I want that to be me. I want to encompass all that nursing is and the brilliance that it resembles. I want to help people, no matter who it is. As you can see, I'm a huge advocate of service.

Right now, my plans are actually to finish nursing school then go onto pastry school! How wonderful would that be! There's so many other things I wish to do (*cough* pilot school too, Doctors Without Borders, PeaceCorps...)! But for now, I'm taking it slow, I have my whole life ahead of me! There will always be more opportunities to learn!

As you can see, I'm an adventurer! Not exactly the immediate definition you would think of, but I'm not afraid to try more than one path. My dream is to make people happy, make people smile, and live the best life I could. I don't need riches or luxuries, I just need the love and happiness of people around me!

What? Need more info? Tidbits about me? Well...

I love water Pokemon, especially Squirtle!
I love dogs, especially golden retrievers!
My favorite food...well I don't know it!
My favorite color? Blue, purple, yellow, pastels, green..okay I really like most colors! But blue first.
I love making art! All kinds.
I love books! HP, THG, Divergent! <4
Video games? RPGs and Nintendo games? I'm there!
I LOVE jewelry, especially necklaces! Chandelier earring come in close second!

There you go! That's me!

Thank you for visiting my blog! I really do appreciate you taking the time to read it! I hope you enjoy!

Best wishes,


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