Sunday, June 17, 2012

District 4 Bread - The Hunger Games - Attempt #2

District 4 Seaweed Bread
So I tried to make the District 4 Seaweed Bread again. (find the recipe HERE) This time, it came out perfect! Everything I read in the book came true! It resembles the book's bread almost to's actually tinted green with seaweed! I'm so happy with it. It tastes a lot like seaweed and they're so soft and amazing.

Make sure to boil the seaweed until it is soft. This is so it will blend together well. Make sure that you make a paste with the seaweed. You should use all of the 1/2 cup. I also used the water that I boiled the seaweed in to proof my yeast. I think it gave it somewhat of a stronger seaweed flavor. If you like seaweed, this step is a must.

It really does turn out amazing!

District 4 seaweed bread before putting it in the oven
They actually look like fish this time!

District 4 Seaweed Bread Fully Baked!

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