Saturday, June 9, 2012

Perry the Platypus Inaction Figure

Hello! So I found out that I'm still on the wait list at my university for nursing. I moved up a lot, but am still on it. It's kind of upsetting that they're giving me false hope. It was orientation today and all I felt was that I shouldn't be there. I'm not even accepted into the program yet. But all I can do for now is wait. I have a back-up plan. My dreams are almost there, I can almost reach it, not quite, but I'll get there somehow. No matter what twists and turns my life takes, the only thing I can do is go with it and pray for the best!

Perry the Platypus Inaction Figure

Today I'd like to share with you a project I did a while back! It's one of my favorite crafts, especially since its Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb! This show is brilliant! No matter what age you are, you'll find something to love about this show! On one episode, Phineas and Ferb attempt to become toy makers because toys they found would quickly become boring and monotonous. They design a toy that doesn't do anything, therefore, can do anything that they imagine; a toy that was "so stupidly simple, so basically bland, so idiotically uncomplicated, that it can do absolutely anything." Hence, Perry the Platypus Inaction Figure was born!

As a huge fan of this show, I wanted my own inaction figure! What better way to have it than to make it! Although it's not an exact replica of the figure, it's still amazing in it's own way. It actually DOES something!

Voila! You can open it to find a neat little storage compartment for your little knick-knacks! Cool huh? Well I thought so! 

This project is actually very simple, and not very costly. You could probably make around 5 of these little guys for under 8 bucks.

Sculpy oven-bake clay in mustard yellow and dark orange
2 screws
Teal craft paint
Small wood box
Wood yard stick, around 1 1/2 cm in width
Small saw or knife
Wood glue
Googly eyes

  1. Cut 1 inch pieces off of the wood stick and sandpaper both ends until smooth. This will be Perry's legs.
  2. Paint all wood pieces teal, apply 2 coats.
  3. With the mustard yellow, make the beak by rolling a small amount of clay into a flat oval shape and fold in half. To make the tail, make a shape almost like a circus peanut, or a thumb. Score the tail to get the tail look.
  4. Bake clay pieces as directed.
  5. Glue dry wood legs onto the box, leaving around 3/4 inch hanging.
  6. Mark the area that you would like your clay pieces to be. Mine were around 1/2 cm beneath the opening of the box.
  7. From the inside of the box, screw together the box and the screw until it gets to the painted side. Next, screw on the clay pieces.
  8. Glue 2 googly eyes above the beak.
That's it! There you have your Perry the Platypus Inaction Figure! So simple and so cute! Sorry though, my directions are not too great! But I hope you get the gist of it!

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