Monday, June 4, 2012

District 4 Bread - The Hunger Games

District 4 Bread
**EDIT: I made this bread again and it came out perfect - Click HERE for the results**

Hey all! So recently I've been overly obsessed with The Hunger Games! I read the trilogy in only two days because I couldn't put the books down! They're amazing! I see myself constantly checking pages again and again! I even had to read the ending around five times! I was so surprised I was able to get through them, especially since I haven't picked up a book willingly for around 9 years! (I know, so sad!) These books have definitely inspired me to read more! TEAM PEETA x1000000gazillioninfinitybeyondforever!

I was actually one of those people that haven't read the book before watching the movie! But lemme tell you, they're both equally amazing...even though I have yet to watch the first half of the movie (due to an incident with my friends and I)! I was just sad that the movie didn't have a lot of aspects that were in the book! But I'm just judging on the part that I did watch. (Don't worry, no spoilers)

So anyways, one of the main themes in the book is bread! Each district has a specific bread they make based on their industry. The bread that I liked reading about the most was from the fishing district, District 4. In the book, District 4's bread is described as a salty, fish-shaped loaf that's tinted green with seaweed. I loved the seaweed!

I used fresh seaweed that came from my family in the bay area. If you don't have that on hand, other recipes use re-hydrated dried wakame which you can find at any local Asian market. Unfortunately, my loaves did not look enough like fish and I did not get enough seaweed flavor for my tastes! I was also unable to get the green tinge that I wanted (probably because I used fresh seaweed), but I'll definitely attempt this recipe again; it was a hit with my family and friends.

Recipe adapted from The Magic Kitchen.

District 4 Seaweed Bread:
Yields approx 15 rolls

  • 6 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 1/2 cups warm water
  • 2 tbsp instant yeast 
  • 2 tbsp sugar 
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 cups fresh boiled seaweed, or 1/2 cup dried wakame
  • Water to brush on dough
  • Coarse Sea salt
  1. Boil the seaweed. Drain and cool. Once cool, put in a blender or food processor until it has the consistency of paste.
  2. Proof the yeast: Dissolve sugar in warmed water. Add yeast to mixture. You know your yeast is active if it forms bubbles.
  3. After the yeast is proofed, mix in oil and salt.
  4. Mix in seaweed until well combined.
  5. Mix in flour and knead until smooth. Add flour one tbsp at a time as needed.
  6. Place dough in an oiled bowl and cover loosely. Set in a warm place and let rise until doubled, around 1 hour.
  7. Preheat oven to 400F.
  8. Punch down dough and let rise again for another 1/2 hour.
  9. Punch down dough and shape dough into a fish and let rise for another 15 min. Score the top of the bread with a sharp knife.
  10. Brush each fish with water and sprinkle the sea salt.
  11. Bake in oven for 20 min or until golden brown, rotate half way through.
  12. Remove and let cool for 5 min, then transfer to a cooling rack.
Best served warm!

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