Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Antiqued Frames

Hello all! So today I went to the Natural History Museum and I finally saw real dinosaurs! Well, you know, the bone structure and all. It was amazing! The ones that stood out most were the ones at the museum hall entrance, a T-rex and a triceratops! They also had a preserved coelacanth, which is a fish that was thought to be extinct but showed up in Africa! I didn't know they were real! The gigantic fish that I always wanted to catch in Animal Crossing for Gamecube! HAHA Oh, how I miss those days!

Definitely a day well spent, although I was kind of sad that I got tired so fast! I guess when you get older, you start to get tired more easily? Maybe that's why my parents were always so tired when we spent the day at the amusement park! I now understand how they feel...and I also understand why they never want to go on all the rigorous rides! When I was little, I used to be able to ride roller coasters 6 times in a row without feeling sick at all! But now once I ride it once, it's all over! :( Now I find myself taking dramamine every time I go to amusement parks or long car rides.

Speaking of antique and extinct, let's get to my frames! HAHA So I guess I've jumped on to this retro bandwagon that's been going on for quite some time now! Vintage and antique items! I simply adore them! They make everything look more chic and unique and bring so much character! When we moved to our new house, I wanted all my furniture to be vintage looking. Unfortunately, I failed, but I was still able to get a nice vintage inspired desk from Pularski.

With that said, I had no idea what to put on my walls! I finally decided that I would just paint some old frames that no longer matched our furniture and wahlah! My antiqued frames came to life!

 :D This was actually my first time that I antiqued anything so I didn't know what to expect. It actually turned out okay!

Here's what you need:
Wooden frames
Paint (brown, yellow,green, white)
Brushes/foam brushes
Crackle medium

It's actually really simple. You start off the first coat with brown paint. Once dry, paint spots of green and a little bit of yellow. After, apply crackle medium to areas of the frame. The top coat painted after the medium dries with white. After just sandpaper your frames to give it an older distressed look.

I know that I didn't explain it well, but it's actually easier to Youtube it! If anyone has any tips on antiquing, please tell me! I would like to antique a small side table! I have yet to put these on my wall since I have no inspiration on what to frame! I feel like putting a black background like the picture below would be too dark! We'll see!

Anywho! Thanks for reading! Just a heads up, I'm going to be doing another Hunger Games bread! District 11! So watch out for that! :D

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