Friday, August 31, 2012

Pac-Man Body Pillowcase

Hello ya'll!

So this week was my first week of nursing school. It was a quite overwhelming. I only have classes 3 times a week but with the classes being around 2-3 hours a pop, it's very difficult to stay alert and to concentrate on the subject...especially when your stomach growls. Embarrassing!

Today, I feel kind of sad. I don't even know why! I'm thinking it's the pressure of nursing school but I also feel like it's something else. I just don't know what! :/ I hope it clears up soon! I have so much to read and so much to learn and relearn...I don't know how it's gonna fit in. My social life this week totally disappeared and I wasn't even as busy as I will be later.

All I can do is pray for the best!

Here I'd like to share with you a pillow I made for my best friend! I would only do this for her because she has helped me so much throughout our friendship and always encourages me to do my best. I made her a Pacman pillowcase! :D

I hand stitched the front of it. It took hours! But it looked very clean! Haha. (This was the unfinished version.) I used a sewing machine to sew the pillowcase together though.

It's funny how I made her this and I don't even have a proper cover for my own body pillow! Haha I think this looks really cool! The actual pillowcase is made of black flannel. The pacman parts are made of different color fleece.

I actually decided not to include the eyes in the finished product because they might come off during washing!

There it is! Haha. Sorry, not much of a tutorial or anything. Actually...just a story. Happy fall everyone!


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